Vision & Aims


Vision Statement

  • To create a safe, secure, caring environment where the child can feel happy and confident and where he/she can embrace change in a positive way.
  • To recognise each child as an individual, to celebrate difference and promote tolerance.
  • To promote a natural learning spirit and curiosity of life, where the child is encouraged to reach his/her true potential.
  • To educate the child holistically – teaching a broad curriculum that focuses on cognitive, emotional and spiritual needs.
  • To create an inclusive child centred environment


Aims of the School

  1. To educate in an atmosphere wherein each child is accepted and feels secure doing work which is purposeful and suitable to his/her age and ability.
  2. To reflect the best values, attitudes and aspirations of this Christian community and to develop knowledge and skills which may enable pupils to reach towards maturity in a confident way.
  3. To ensure that all our pupils attain their own best in schoolwork and behaviour an in so achieving be encouraged to seek and enjoy further education.
  4. to develop expressive, creative and artistic abilities to each child’s full capacity.
  5. to promote physical and emotional health and well-being.