Site icon Scoil Naomh Micheál

24th September 2020

Dear Parents,

It is hard to believe that it is four weeks since our return to school. It has been a different experience for the children and the staff, with the children adapting magnificently to the changes to the routines and structures of the school day. It hasn’t been easy for them, and I would like to say a big well done to all the children for their enthusiasm, respect, and their acknowledgement of their own safety and the safety of others.

Thank you also to all our parents who have been extremely supportive around the protocols and procedures required to re-open the school safely. Thank you for your support at the school gate before and after school, and for your understanding around visiting the school during the school day. The safe re-opening of the school would not have been possible without the support of all the school community and we really appreciate your role in this.

I would like to remind you of some of the procedures in place to ensure safety throughout the day. A reminder also that children will have to play in the yard on days where the weather may not be favourable. We would advise bring a good quality rain jacket with a hood to school. Children may also bring an umbrella, and a spare pair of socks or shoes may also be beneficial.

Surnames A-G – 2.50pm             G-M – 2.55pm          O-Z – 3.00pm

Mon, Wed, Fri – Tracksuit                       Tues, Thurs – Uniform


When should I keep my child at home?

Children who are feeling unwell should stay at home and should not come to school. If your child is presenting with any of the following symptoms, please do not send him/her to school.

We ask you please to commit to checking for these symptoms every morning before sending your child to school.

If there is any concern that your child is presenting with any of the above symptoms, you will be contacted immediately. The school has infrared thermometers for use where there may be a concern. If you have any questions in relation to the above, please contact the school.




97% of families have registered with Aladdin Connect. Thank you for your support. Connect will be used by class teachers to contact you directly throughout the school year. If you have yet to download the app, we encourage you to do so and please ensure that you have allowed ‘push notifications’ to your device.



Teachers are available to meet by appointment, following strict guidelines while adhering to social distancing. All visitors to the school are required to complete a contact tracing form. Visits to the school should be kept to a minimum. Requests to meet teachers should be made through the school office on 021-4308885 or by e-mail at Teachers are not available to respond to e-mail during the school day and are not able to respond to educational issues by e-mail. These discussions should take place at an arranged meeting between parent and teacher.



Appointments with services outside the school should be kept to a minimum during the school day to avoid disruption.

If children are feeling unwell you will be contacted to collect from the school. You will be asked to contact the school office on 021-4308885 when you are at your child’s designated entry/exit gate. The secretary will contact your child’s teacher who will ensure your child is taken safely to their entry/exit gate.


We thank you again for your continued support. If you have any questions regarding any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact us in the school. We encourage you to speak to your children regularly about the importance of good hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette and social distancing. We will continue to keep you updated as we progress through the school year.

Kind regards,

Patrick O’Connell

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